Dr. Natasha Burgert is KC Kids Doc.
Masks Off Live with Drs. Natasha Burgert and Nicole Baldwin
COVID Vaccine Myth-Busting: The #MOL Podcast

COVID Vaccine Myth-Busting: The #MOL Podcast


I learned how to be a pediatrician in Cincinnati, Ohio.

During those three years of residency, the grueling clinical work was made better by the people who were running by my side. My residency classmates became faithful friends and colleagues as we lived and worked through life together. Today, we continue to support and champion each other while we care for children all over the world.

Throughout the Pandemic, I was calling one of those classmates a lot. Dr. Nicole Baldwin is a general pediatrician who remained in Cincinnati after our graduation. Her practice is similar to mine in size and structure, so we could grapple with the changes and uncertainty that were happening in our businesses. And since we are both parents and partners, we could also lean into each other as friends, sharing the honest and terrible details of our worlds shutting down. We wrestled with uncertainty. We made up answers. We laughed. We drank wine.

Then, we had an idea.

If these calls were helpful for us, maybe they would be helpful to someone else. We could answer questions we were getting in the office, without the distractions and social distancing. We would take our masks off, sit in our homes, and share what we were learning with anyone who cared to listen. And drink more wine.

Masks Off Live was born. An unscripted, real-life conversation between two friends who happen to be pediatricians.

Now, by popular demand, we are pulling the best parts of our twice-monthly Instagram conversations into the audio space. The #MOL podcast will feature our explanations to the questions that parents all over the country are asking, with the honesty and transparency the Pandemic has forced us to bear.

In this episode, we are busting COVID vaccine myths with science:

  • The COVID vaccine will not cause infertility. (9:20)

  • Why you need to wear a mask after getting vaccinated. (16:30)

  • It's impossible for the vaccine to change your DNA. (25:45)

  • If you've had COVID, you still need the shot. (31:21)

And a BONUS  -- What we know about the variants (32:01) and why they matter for our kids (34:45).

More details and references can be found in the show notes.

We are novice podcasters, please forgive our rough audio and simplistic setup. Hit the heart to let me know you are listening, and I promise to improve as we go.

Comments and constructive advice are always appreciated. Reply to this email and I’ll read everything you send.

Until next time, double mask and #runitback.

Up next: A look at the next vaccines on the horizon, an immunology primer on the science of vaccine spacing, and we’ve got to talk about those sippy cups!

Dr. Natasha Burgert is KC Kids Doc.
Masks Off Live with Drs. Natasha Burgert and Nicole Baldwin
Everyone needs friends who are willing to take off their masks and have honest conversations. And who are pediatricians. Grab a glass of wine and listen in as Drs. Natasha and Nicole share evidence-based science and practical parenting advice.